Madidi National Park

Madidi, La Paz, Bolivia

Per person



4 days

Type of Experience

4 days / 3 nights

Madidi National Park is one of the world's largest and richest in biodiversity, both in flora and fauna, covering 1,895,750 Ha (4,684,500 Acres), stretching from the Real Cordillera of the Andes to the Amazon basin. Established in 1995, Madidi National Park offers a comprehensive jungle experience, ensuring memories that will last a lifetime!


Included / Not included

  • Bilingual guide
  • Shared service
  • Accommodation, services, and meals as mentioned in the itinerary
  • Tickets and Taxes
  • Air tickets La Paz – Rurrenabaque – La Paz
  • Airport taxes on the Rurrenabaque – La Paz route
  • Tips.
  • Transfer to El Alto airport in La Paz, fly to Rurrenabaque, crossing the Real Cordillera of the Andes (1 hour).
  • Upon arrival, your day will begin with a spectacular visit to the amazing Amazon.
  • Your journey continues to Chalalán by boat through the Beni and Tuichi rivers to Chalalán (5 – 6 hours).
  • From here, you'll walk through the humid tropical forest (30 minutes) to the Chalalán Eco-lodge, where you'll stay.
  • In the evening, you'll embark on a guided walk along a themed trail, returning to the lodge by canoe.
  • At night, you'll enjoy a short guided walk to observe nocturnal wildlife, including insects, spiders, amphibians, reptiles, and nocturnal birds.
  • Dinner will be served at the lodge, ensuring a good night's rest.
  • *Includes: Accommodation, lunch, and dinner.
  • After breakfast, you'll traverse the Tapacare trail (3-4 hours) through the humid tropical forest, admiring the birds and mammals that appear along the way.
  • Next, you'll return to the Lodge for lunch and a short break.
  • In the afternoon, you'll visit The Lookout, offering views of the beautiful Chalalán lagoon, Madidi National Park, and the vast rainforest.
  • In the evening, you'll embark on another short guided walk to observe nocturnal wildlife.
  • Dinner is served at the lodge, ensuring another restful night.
  • Includes: Lodging, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Today, you'll walk along the Eslabón river (6 hours) in the deep areas of the virgin Amazon forest, with the chance to see animals like spider monkeys, wild pigs, and various bird species.
  • Upon returning to the lodge, you might take a dip in the lagoon before dinner.
  • In the evening, you'll partake in a canoe ride. This special activity lets you spot amphibians, nocturnal birds, and caimans with their shining eyes. The day also features a picnic-style lunch.
  • Please note that sports fishing in the Eslabón river is optional.
  • Includes: Lodging, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • After breakfast, you'll take a guided walk to the banks of the Tuichi river, where you'll board a boat back to Rurrenabaque (3-hour boat ride).
  • Stay alert during this trip, as it's a great opportunity to spot many more animals.
  • Upon arrival, you'll be transferred to the airport for your return flight to La Paz.
  • Includes: Breakfast.


  • A small backpack (separate from your main luggage).
  • Cotton pants, long-sleeved cotton shirts, hat or cap, t-shirt, shorts, lightweight jacket, swimwear, cotton socks, raincoat, walking shoes, sandals.
  • Sunglasses with neck strap, flashlight with spare batteries, camera with a waterproof cover, sunscreen (SPF 30 or 45 recommended), insect repellent.


  • Yellow Fever vaccination is recommended.
  • Itinerary subject to change.

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