Tours and Packages

Looking for an exhilarating adventure or simply want to savor Bolivia's natural beauty?

We offer a wide range of tours and tailor-made packages to meet all your needs. Use our search tool to find the perfect tour for you.

26  Tours
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Los Yungas – Senda Verde

Los Yungas – Senda Verde

Yungas, La Paz, Bolivia
1 day8
Mercado de Tarabuco

Tarabuco Market

Sucre, Bolivia
1 day8
Paquete de Lujo al Salar de Uyuni

Deluxe Package to the Uyuni Salt Flats

Salar de Uyuni, Potosí, Bolivia
3 days8
Parque Nacional Madidi

Madidi National Park

Madidi, La Paz, Bolivia
4 days8
Parque Nacional Sajama

Sajama National Park

Oruro, Bolivia
3 days8
Paseo por la ciudad Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz City Tour

Santa Cruz, Bolivia
3 hours8
Paseo por la ciudad y el Valle de la Luna

City and Moon Valley Tour

La Paz, Bolivia
4 hours8
Refugio Volcanes, Samaipata, La Yunga

Refugio Volcanes, Samaipata, La Yunga

Santa Cruz, Bolivia
3 days8