Tiwanaku Ruins

Tiwanaku, La Paz, Bolivia

Per person



6 hours

Type of Experience


Tiwanaku is a historic ancient site, dating back to 1,580 BC to 1,200 AD, located 1 hour and 30 minutes from La Paz (72 km/45 miles). The city of Tiwanaku was once the capital of a mighty pre-Hispanic empire that dominated a vast area of the southern Andes and beyond. Its monumental remnants now bear witness to the cultural and political significance of this civilization.


Included / Not included

  • Bilingual guide
  • Tickets
  • Private service
  • Tips.
  • From La Paz, you'll travel to Tiwanaku. Along the way, you'll observe vast highland landscapes and pass through Aymara communities, getting a chance to observe their lifestyle.
  • Upon reaching Tiwanaku, you'll be briefed on its history, learning that Tiwanaku was one of the most important pre-Incan civilizations, deemed the most advanced for its time.
  • Main constructions you'll visit include the Kalasasaya temple, the Sun Gate made of stone, Ponce and Monk monoliths, the Akapana pyramid, and the semi-subterranean temple. You'll also have the chance to visit two local museums showcasing the history of ceramics, stonework, and cultural insights.


Comfortable clothing, hiking shoes, hat, jacket, and sunscreen.

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